When on 14th December 2004 the local council unanimously agreed to set up the Sport Park, a huge spirit of optimism was felt. Even in the 1960s the first ideas and thoughts about a "Sport Park" – indeed even a ready-made concept and a plan were drawn up. And it was none other than architect Widmoser, who had already put the idea down on paper, who made this long yearned-for vision a reality – merely with a new and in a great deal more expansive dimension. After the decision was made things went quickly: - Ground-breaking ceremony on 13th October 2005- Topping-out ceremony on 12th May 2006- Official opening 13.12.2006
Many thanks to the entire construction and project team!
- Builder: Kitzbühel town council
- Project management: BOE Baumanagement GmbH, Innsbruck
- Project management: Fichtner & Köppl, Rosenheim
- Architect: Arge Widmoser/Stark, Munich
- Electrical planning: Elektro Zehetmeier GesmbH., Fischbachau
- Heating/Plumbing planning: PFG Maier, Hausham
- Ventilation/Cooling planning: IB Werner Käs, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Supporting structure/Health & Safety coordinator: Dipl. Ing. Christian Rehblichler, Kitzbühel
- General contractor: Grossmann Bau GmbH. & Co.KG, Munich
- Structural work: Gerzabek-Team, Kitzbühel
- Lift installation: Schindler Aufzüge und Fahrtreppen AG, Neu-Rum
- Scissor lift (freight elevator): Dr. Hans Kraus GmbH., Klagenfurt
- Refrigeration Ice piste/Curling: Haas Anlagenbau GmbH. Chieming
- Ventilation: Dietrich Luft + Klima GmbH, Kirchbichl
- Electronics: Aschaber Elektrotechnik, Kitzbühel
- Heating/Plumbing: BHG Installationen GmbH & Co KG, Kufstein
- Roof seal building section C: Hans Springinsfeld GmbH, St. Johann i.T.
- Metal/Glass/Elements: Alois Muigg, Mühlbachl
- Steel/wood inner doors: Resch Schlosserei GmbH, Jochberg
- Drywall works: Neuberger Innenausbau GmbH, Munich
- Sun protection/sunshading: Pal Wilhelm, St. Johann
- Steel staircase/emergency staircase: Oppacher Stahlbau GmbH., Vogtareuth
- Locksmith work: Michael Will Stahl und Metallbau, Königsdorf
- Screed work: Egger GmbH, Kirchberg
- WC partition walls: Schäfer Trennwandsystem GmbH, Hornhausen
- Tiling: Fliesen Trausnitz, St. Johann i.T.
- Free frozen surfaces: AST Eis- und Solartechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Reutte
- Painting: Malerei Monitzer, Kitzbühel
- Lock system: M. Salvenmoser KG, Kitzbühel
- Floor coverings: BBA Bodenbelagsarbeiten GmbH., Tangermünde
- Signposting/control system: Rauter Lichttechnik, Ellmau
- Acoustics: Elektrotechnik und Service Roman Mitterer, Aurach
- Ice coverage: König GmbH Kunststoffprdoukte, Gilching